Horse Training - Groundwork

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Approaching a Mustang, Part 4 (Final)

Mark, Gray, and the young Mustang wrap up their training time together with some great milestones.
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Helping a horse canter calmly on a longe line.

At our 2023 North Carolina clinic, Mark guides a rider how to help her mare feel better about cantering on a longe line.
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Approaching a Mustang, Part 3

Mark and our Senior Assistant Instructor Gray continue their work helping a Mustang feel safe with people. Mark shows Gray how to begin the process of introducing a halter.
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Approaching a Mustang, Part Two

Watch the second session with a three year old Mustang.
*our apologies for the wind and dog panting noises!
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Approaching a Mustang, Part 1

Mark helps our Senior Assistant Instructor Gray with a new Mustang she has in for handling and training. This is the second session Mark helps her and the horse.
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Update on Poco, Part Two

Our new horse Poco continues to need support. This is an update on the next phase of his journey back to health!
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Poco update

Poco had a bit of a mishap on pasture! We show you what we found and how we are treating it. *Warning* one photo is a closeup of his wound.
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Poco saddling Part 2

Mark updates us on Poco’s progress with being saddled and remaining calm.
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Safety for Astrid

Mark helps a pony who is afraid of being caught. Filmed at 2022’s Equine Brain Seminar with Dr. Steve Peters and Jim Masterson.
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Saddling Poco

Poco came to us with a little bit of worry about being saddled. We found out from his previous owner that he flipped over backwards when he was first started as a colt. In this series of videos, Mark shows us how he’s been helping Poco feel better.
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New Horse - Trailer Loading, Part 1

Mark shows us how we help our new horse feel better about loading and unloading from the trailer.
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Mounting Block Lesson

Filmed live during a clinic in North Carolina, Mark teaches a mare how to stand still at the mounting block.
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First Time in a Hotwalker

Our horses Top and Sam experience a hotwalker for the first time.
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Sam - Trailer Loading

Mark and Sam work on loading quietly.
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New horse Sam - Introduction

Mark talks about how he starts introducing the idea of softening to the bit to our new clinic horse Sam.
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Focus and Intent

Mark talks about how focus and intent can be integral mindsets when working with horses.
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Unhaltering Gently

Crissi brings our attention to how we finish our time with our horses in a more thoughtful way.
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Preparing for shoes

Crissi answers a question about how to help a fearful horse be calmer about having shoes put on.
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Ten year old Mustang, Part 1 

Mark begins to work with a mustang who has had some unfortunate handling.
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10 year old Mustang, Part 2

Mark works on getting closer to the Mustang without causing too much worry.
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10 Year old Mustang Part 3

Mark works with a 10 year old Mustang to help him feel better about people.
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10 year old Mustang, Part 4

Dr. Steve Peters and Mark talk about what is going on in the brain of a feral Mustang as he’s being worked with.
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10 year old Mustang part 5

Mark and our student instructor Gray show us how the Mustang has improved.
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10 year old Mustang Part 6

Mark and Gray work with the Mustang.
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Hobbles, Part 1

Mark begins this series on hobbling horses with an explanation of the different hobbles we use, as well as some safety considerations.
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Hobbling, Part 2

Mark talks about the placement of hobbles.
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Hobbling, Part 3

Mark and Rocky show us how to introduce a horse to hobbles.
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Boundaries, Leading and Tying Part 1

Mark chats about the importance of being centered as a rider.
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Boundaries, Leading and Tying, Part 1

Mark shows us how to create healthy, consistent boundaries with our horses.
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Boundaries, Leading and Tying, Part 2

Mark chats about some ideas about leading horses.
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Boundaries, Leading and Tying, Part 3

Mark and Tuff demonstrate the mechanics of how to clearly and safely lead your horse.
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Boundaries, Leading and Tying, Part 4

Mark chats about tying horses.
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Clippers and Horses, Part 1

Mark works with Banjo, introducing him to clippers.
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Clippers and Horses, Part 2

Crissi continues to work with Banjo and clippers.
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Clippers and Horses, Part 3

Crissi and Banjo continue to work with the clippers.
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Clippers and Horses, Part 4

The last segment of Crissi and Banjo working with clippers.
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Horses and Clippers, Part 3

Banjo and Crissi work on getting a bridle path clipped.
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Clippers and Horses, Part 4

Banjo and Crissi finish up showing how to help a horse feel confident with clippers.
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Clipping Horses Part 2

Crissi and Banjo continue building an understanding about the clippers being okay.
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All about the approach

Crissi chats about how we approach our horses to start interacting with them can begin with them feeling tense, or relaxed. This a video about approaching, not catching (you'll notice the horses are eating).
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Approaching Horses

Crissi chats about a little different way to think about and approach horses.
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Helping Horses Lower their head

Mark and Banjo show us how to help a horse feel better about lowering their head.
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Bridling a Horse

Mark and Banjo work on having the bridle go on in a calm state of mind.
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Longeing Horses

Mark and RJ show us some simple ways to ask your horse to longe.
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Trailer Loading

Mark and Cass give us some ideas to help horses feel better about loading into a horse trailer.
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Picking Up Feet

Mark and our horse Ally demonstrate a different way to ask for a horse’s foot.
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A Different Way To Pick Up Feet

Mark and Ally show us a different way to help a horse pick up their feet.
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